The Team
Guided by the Holy Spirit to equip God’s people for the work
of serving and building up the body of Christ.

Church Secretary
Rosie was raised in Connecticut, but has lived in North Carolina her entire adult life. She enjoys reading, traveling, and being with family. She is a graduate of Florida Southern College and has had a varied work history including being a cookie-packer, an elementary school teacher, and a hostess in the Haunted Mansion at Walt Disney World. But by far, she believes her most rewarding position has been as Rehobeth’s Church Secretary for many years. She considers it a great privilege to be able to serve our Savior in this manner.

Tony likes to refer to himself as a coach and cheerleader for the church. He is passionate about loving God and neighbor and seeks to instill that passion in others. He was raised in Louisiana, served in the Marine Corps, and even once worked for the circus! He is a proud Duke Divinity alum and supports Duke and Charlotte sports teams with a passion. In his free time, he can be found beside his wife working in their yard or cheering on their two sons at sporting events.